sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019


(Each day, we will keep on  adding  next+ stages of the Labyrinth down here, together with the  texts, images or photos related with them).






1st Stage of the Way:
Looking over the World of Illusion.

 Stage 1- Lisbon. ST. Jorge  Castle -  Sta. Luzia Terrace  - Church of Santiago's door. - leaving  the city - arrival at Alpriate.

4-  Potentiality:
I realize that the same forces  can either  elevate me or degrade me, depending on the degree of my conscience,  or inconscience,  or even  on the spirit  with which  I am  using those very forces..

From this moment on, I intend  to start  germinating, developing,  knowing  and  realizing  in a positive manner , the most elevated  potentials of my being.

I accept the adventure and the challenges of growing much more than what I had previously known .

I know that my way of fulfilling  myself  will determine the constructive or destructive quality  both of the forces  and of the routes that I have chosen.

I launch out into the way for myself.

Stage 2 - Alpriate -Vilafranca de Xira.
5- Apprentice to Co-creator:

I know that I am one more son of  Life, a creative unity inside its mysterious creative  impulse , which has also created and which maintains all of my brothers and all of the other beings.

Little more do I know about myself, except  that, for a while, I   dispose of a form made of dust of stars, that suits me to act upon this plane.

I know that the good realization of an organ ensures the realization of each one of its cells and vice versa.

Therefore, here and now, I gladly indulge in serving  creatively the fair Life living.

By walking, one creates one's path.

Daring to go beyond what is already known, not even still knowing what one is looking for , is the noblest and the most  courageous  human impulse.

The act of migrating with the hope of improving is the beginning  of all evolution. Go on!  My world is all that that am able to conceive with my mind.

No barrier, criticism or censorship intimidates  a brave searcher, on the contrary, it  attracts him. Nothing of what is human is unfamiliar to me.
Every concept that I come across  and that I am able to adapt to  and to assimilate into my knowledge  belongs to me.

However, I already know that I can carry only a rucksack of very selected  knowledge  with me.

7- Dispersion: Inatentive Potential.

Shadow of the Main Stage  THE SEARCHER.

I choose  both a prior direction and a prior dedication,  and I focus on them  with the utmost elevation and  depth.

I have learnt that any way that may have been chosen by my heart will take me to my self-knowledge , if it is constant.

I know that distracting me and dispersing me means wasting my precious  and brief time of evolutionary manifestation and function among  the vanities that surround me.

I take care not to let me get entertained or fascinated by the self-interested external manipulations.

It's excellent to unlearn what I have learnt without conscience, and to learn it anew  with conscience.

 Stage 3- Vilafranca de  Xira -Azambuja

8- Illusion:
The collective mentality  around me  is dominated, manipulated and distracted   both by the visible and the invisible  powers  that have obtained  the cultural hegemony and which establish and enforce, as  social normality,  that report  that  better suits their interests and plans.

All those commonplaces have brought no sense to my life for a long time now.
I  let myself  neither be tempted nor seduced. I do not idolize  the idols, either past or present, that I  know  have been created by my own kind.

I know that following forms and aspiring to aims created by others, or even  worshiping  the idols that I myself  invent, means swerving from my own vital  creative way. 

Stage 4- Azambuja -Santarém.
9-  Adventure:

"Sailing is necessary "   Fernando Pessoa , a Portuguese poet.

An eminent  traveller explained to me that,in order  to get  to the Land of Wisdom , first I will have to wear out  all my fancies.

Inside this world of dreams,one must try to fulfil one's dreams  until the awakening.  Withdrawing from trying it, by presenting reasons, only leads to  frustration or, still worse, to cowardice and to nightmares.

Do dare to launch out into  adventure, just like  the ancient  Iberian sailors did.  Your  own  valour  and your intelligence will find the way to make you wise in it -  both through  your succeedings  and through your failings.

Nevertheless, you may be sure that  there is nothing  too much important to miss in this world. 

"Understanding  one  another is a complicated game. For the one who deceives  does not know whether he has been  mistaken or not." 
F.P. Portuguese poet.

From a long time before I was born in this game, tottery castles of plotting and cheating  have been contriving a secret scheme  of interests and distractions that try to substitute the real expression of my being, which is the essential being of all Mankind.

Don't let yourself be caught in traps; never swerve from the way that your heart demands. Do stand  unmoved  before both  the envy and the  criticism  that  your expression, your action, your  advance and your success arise.

You are the scriptwriter of the part that you are playing  in the theatre of the collective life. Do try  to build the most original script and the best character that you can imagine, either you  choose to be a  hero or a villain.

Have a good performance, fellows!

11 -  Anxiety:
A tormenting and chaotic evasion  from  the present.

I focus on  what I have  chosen  to devote myself to, I focus on  my here and now, with perfection and unhurried, because this here and this now are my only reality.

Both past and  future do not exist, they are merely the mental fields where the thorns of remorses grow as well as the stressful anxieties of the apprehensions.

I establish the realm of  serenity, a relaxed concentration, in the reality of my present. I will not allow myself to be sucked  by the robbers of energy.

Stage 5-Santarém-Golegã.

12 - Prepotence:
When I believe that I already know, then this is the moment that   ignorance has taken hold of me.

My essential being is also an owner of all the potencies of the universe, just like  the same essential being that animates  all the living  beings.

The one who considers himself  to be superior  to all the others suffers from the most poisonous insanity. We are sheer learning.

 I busy myself  with  becoming better and improving my life. I live and let live.  The world does not need me to I save it. 

Stage 6- Golegã-Tomar.

While studying the  Templars'  history,  and their attempt  to create  the first secretly directed  globalization , I am  surprised by the way  the  dystopian  ramifications of that cut  trunk have gone through  the  centuries under  diverse names, until 1984, until today.

13-  Disorientation:

It is evident that our mentalities are lost in  illusion, submerged in a culture of historical memories and of censored and manipulated current information.

Calm down, do what you have to do departing  from your inner  centre and not from the periphery, where  agitation always places us.

 Do not let yourself be misled by the manipulators  that fish in troubled waters. Get back to yourself.  Search  for free information. Both allies and discoveries will arise.

In the moment of the highest confusion  I relax  and I remember  that my home is my calm and deep heart. From here, I choose a better way.

Tactical discretion is not the same as accepting being gagged.  

 14- ATTENTION!  Involutive  energy is lurking!
I cannot stop watching, cleansing, reinforcing myself; fighting for my own rights, doing what I have to do. My freedom will not come from the outside.

The more my ilusions are alienated and fanciful , the harder my fall will be. Among  the most of sleeping ones , I need to awake.

Such as if I were reborn  after a death, each morning I free myself  from  the weight of all those dreams, wishes, influences and identifications that have nothing or little to do with my  authenticity.

FULL  ATTENTION!  Eagle-eyed. I know that this is the only way to be able to fly upon the heights of being.
In fact, my individual being does not exist, my being is just  the covering  of a drop in the Universal Ocean of The Being. 

15- Automatism.

"All that I think, all that I  am, is an immense desert where not even me exist ."  F.P.

I must leave the degrading routines, as well as the options that the  mass-thought offers me..

The ego is our automatic pilot. It is useful and comfortable, but square. It is good only to fly close to the earth and looking at it. We aspire to elevation.

There are no separate egos. Every ego is mediatized by other egos and sharing either oppressive fancies or miserable victimization  with them.

He who is not busy resuming his own command, becomes  a narrow-minded, fearful  conformist and  a manipulated slave of the illusion of materialism.

I consciously take my internal command  upon myself , I put my spaceship in order  and I rise in the air.
Stage 7- Tomar- Alvaiázere.
16- Misrepresentation:

Tomar history has made me realize how far a religion or an ideology can stimulate a people's enthusiasm, how it can outline an ideal and a destiny to that people, and then lead it to achieve high degrees of culture, power, wealth, greatness and even universal influence.

It has also made it clear to me how  that same power can totally misrepresent  the essential message of that religion or ideology, until it  turns it into  a clear instrument of ignorance, of submission and of mediocrity of that same people, as well  as of all those peoples that it has managed to influence and to form.

I start  analysing  thoroughly all that which is both collective and cultural in my mentality,in order to snatch away from it all the misrepresentations  that pollute it and in order  to try the redemption, the cleansing, the actualization and the elevation  of its most solid and positive  essential values.

 Stage 8- Alvaiázere- Alvorge
17- Enslavement:

Awake, examine yourself  and get rid  of the involutive powers that are sucking your best energies from you..

You know very well that you are sunk in the dirtiest sewer. Do have dignity, stick by your real being and get out of it.

You will be able to begin cleansing yourself  of all this dirt only after  a very deep self-observation  and  by being prompted by the true  desire to mend yourself.

I release myself from every manipulator speech, either from my own ego or from the reigning normality, that makes me lose the remembrance of my very centre and of my present. 


Now that you have been walking for some days, ponder on your attitude, if you truly  want to be a pilgrim of  selfconscience, and not just one more  tourist, pretending to be a pilgrim.

I realise that the question is to continue  abandoning all of my previous  conceptualisations, both those I have  learnt and those  I myself have created , in order to achieve that innocence of the one who is able to observe  all that  happens to  appear  on his way with the pure eyes of a child that discovers the world, with neither preconceived  ideas  nor  prejudice towards it.

When you are too full of ideas and beliefs , you are full of impurity, of dirt; of old, alien  and unreal things that prevent you from perceiving  the reality of this moment.

Am I keeping on walking upon the surface, both of The Way and of Life, or have I started to feel their unfathomable depths?   

Are  my egos still ruminating  the drama of what  I had  surrounded me of  in my previous  cycle or have I attained that  stage in which  my mind begins to accompany  my body in the attention and in the finding of this new cycle that supposes the adventure of the long walk?

Along my  whole pilgrimage  in search of the unveiling  of my being, I will often  have to readjust  my attitude, observing whether  my main thoughts and feelings are focused on my integration with the magic present of my trip or on the illusions of the past in which I used to find  myself   submerged before initiating it.

How can you  discover something new in your  the depht  if you do not even see the land that you are crossing, while you remain entertained by all the conceptual rubbish and by the impulses of the instincts that continually orbit around the surface of your mind?


By only thinking and thinking you will never come to any conclusion, because you are able to think about only contrasting dualities  that are the  artful forms of the ego's  world of illusions.

The conclusion can not come out of any other  thing except  from  the certainty of the unity of all, and that certainty has its origin in  your daily experience, by melting  in contemplation with the Way just the same way you melt  with a lover, beyond  reason and  the conceptual constructions that we call egos.


Etapa 9– Alvorge-Cernache.

18- Auto-exame:

A minha realidade prioritária Stage 9- Alvorge-Cernache.

18- Self-examination:

My prior reality is in compliance with the only interests that would matter to me  if I knew that I had only three more hours of life.

I snatch all my masks away, together with all the rest that doesn't belong to me,  or that I consider to be superfluous, and stay naked  in front of my beloved  essential being, being mirrored  in its light.

I think of the people with whom I would like to share my two last hours on this planet. I think about the things that would be worth while to spent these hours with ...or to spend the rest of my Way.

Etapa 10- Cernache- Coimbra.  Poucas horas de caminhada, para poder desfrutar à vontade da beleza de Coimbra.

 19 –Stage 10- Cernache- Coimbra. 

Just a few hours of walking, in order to be able to enjoy Coimbra's beauty at my pleasure.

19 - Internalization.

After being refreshed by the aesthetic enjoyment of this romantic town, I look for a calm corner in it  and I collect myself  in silence.

I listen  attentively to  the inspirations that come to  me from the highest of my being, in my centre, not allowing them to be marred  by the  millenary manipulations of the owners of the dominant system upon the mentalities that they have been programming  for so many generations, in order to control our automatic egos.

I will never be a  foreigner.anywhere again. Inside of me I carry the home of my essence  everywhere  I go.
Stage 11- Coimbra -Sernadelo. Patience, introspection.

20- Serene  Acceptance:

I   consciously   withdraw  the focus of my attention  from the external disturbance , as well as from my usual automatic influences.

I ignore my ego's eternal dissatisfaction and I melt into what I truly am, beyond my mind, in my deep home.

Once I have reached  a certain amount of peace  in me, in serenity I come into possession of the  invigorating  lessons of the Real Life, together with the whole amount of Its gifts.

I accept, I note down, I give thanks and I reorganise myself.
I continue for a little while, in order  to charge myself  with connected serenity, with timeless space, with the original energy.

On your marks! Now  I  can return to  time, to the surface, to the road, and also continue both with the game and with the function of the character that I have chosen.

2ª Stage of the Way
INICIATION. Awakening.

Stage 12- Sernadelo-Águeda.

This stage of the Way and the next one are very little attractive, because  they  are placed  among industrial areas and the pilgrim is constantly disturbed  by a very noisy, polutant, almost terrible  traffic.

The municipalities would gain enormously by creating  alternative and pleasant tracks. However, this is a good opportunity for the traveller to cultivate patience and to focus on his internal pilgrimage.


21- Recognition:
I feel  that my attention energies  are dispersed from their centre. Right now, I make  a healthy stop  in my mind, paying no attention to the noise of the surrounding  world.

I will also disconnect from my digital net of contacts and from  usual influences, during the hours of the day that I will determine, for the rest of my journey, in order to  be much more present in it..

Now that I am learning to contemplate myself  in my Inner Mirror, I can understand  my conflicts in their roots, instead of wasting my time lopping off their branches.


I submit my blind  ego entirely  to the command of my highest self .

I used to be dependent on the most deplorable of  illusions, full of  feelings of guilt, anger, fear, limitations, anxiety and depression.
I used to feel that I was set apart and in struggle with everything, that I was  unsatisfied, tormented  and  disturbed by  irresolvable conflicts.

All my upbringing consisted of the alienating  indoctrination  of this  one more human resource  that was to be programmed  for the market , as one more  supporter  of any of the culturally prevailing ideologies, another persuaded  pawn  in the chess of  their conflicts.

Right now, I disconnect myself from the media. I stop  pleading, contesting , grumbling.  I propose myself as to unlearn, in order to learn everything anew,  conscientiously.

I start at placing myself  in my original centre and at meditating.

From there, I deliver my ego and my polluted mind to the sovereignty of my  Real Self, so that It may clean it, correct it, reorganize it and inspire me new objectives, so as to set me  free, to elevate me and then to  initiate a new cycle that will be worthy of It.

23- Arrogance:

Entirely full of my own  vacuity.

Shadow of the Main Stage  SOVEREIGNTY:  defensive reaction of a mind totally commanded  by an ego that is conscious of its limitations and, therefore, is constrained, fearful, selfish, unsociable, attacking and oppressive.

In order to escape this dictatorship of manipulated emotions, the only way out consists of  submitting  my  vain ego, that is unable to be happy, to the sure sovereignty of my self , and correct my mind from its open connection with the wisdom of the Original Source.

When the supreme dominion of the Being, that we  all are, is aligned in a  fair form, it sustains and dignifies the sovereignty of each free people, joined to other greater  groups, in the same way that it sustains and dignfies the sovereignty of each free individual, within the group of his own people.

  Stage 13-Águeda -Albergaría-a-Velha.

Águeda is a pleasant and artistic village, and I take  the opportunity to cleanse myself in it, before returning to the noise of the road.

24- Purificaction:
All  what  I am starts shining in all its power, when it gets cleansed of everything that does not belong to it . 

Beloved Life, you vivify my conscience! I  have not undertaken  this pilgrimage either as a pleasure trip or in order  to practise sport. I have thrown myself into it to discover your essence in me  and my own purpose.

Please, help me to expel from me all those things  that contaminate me, and everything that is false, useless, alien, manipulated, futile or superfluous.
Remove from me  all that is hanging heavy on my existential luggage.

Any  free individual tries to live in freedom, jointly with all his local,  regional, national communities, as well as  the community of his continent, of the world. In all dimensions.

Nobody lives excluded from  interaction with the others. What  we are, we are  together. We influence others for good or for evil. Nobody is an island.

Stage 14- Albergaría-a-Velha - São João da Madeira.

Relieve yourself  both of  the industrial areas and of  the heavy  traffic  by stopping at the charming old quarter of Bemposta, precisely  at the middle of this stage.

Focus on your  internal home as you  already know. Do trust. This journey  will be a total awakening.

25- I call the awakening.

Sometimes, it  seems  that we have entered a long tunnel with no way out, as dark as night, or as a nightmare.

However, there is no tunnel without a way out, neither a nightmare without dawn.

I will regain that which  my heart has always best  dreamed of.
Ultréia, Let's proceed.

I turn myself into what I focus my conscience.

My conscience is an aerial. It can connect both  high or low emitting frequencies.

The lowest frequencies correspond to the terribly manipulated collective speech, either to the politically correct consensus, or to  its  controlled dissidence, the one that  refuses the same consensus radically.

The immense majority of the minds are automatically connected by their egos to a permanent manichaean  fight, with neither nobility nor  constructive triumphs.

Just a few minds are receptive  to the highest frequencies, and hey do it  only  for a small amount of their time,  when they manage to escape  agitation.
They are transmitters that speak in a quite low  voice  with the tongue of  intuition. In order to be heard, they  need to be listened to with the greatest  concentration, in full peace.

It is easy to distinguish the ego, always worried, separatist and competitive, from  the faithful internal adviser, of the self, that only urges to love, to union and to attention.

At the northernmost  part of Porto, the traveller will have left behind  the industrial areas of the centre of Portugal, that have made so tiring the Central Way to Santiago, starting from Lisbon.                           

We hope that, in the future, the associations and the City Corporations will make it possible  for the traveller to walk along pleasing tracks  amidst Nature and Art.  Meanwhile, do not be discouraged  and continue. The worst is falling behind. . It was useful  to strengthen and to connect you. Now,  the best is to come. Let's go ahead,  pilgrim.

27-  Blockade:

Our current  human being lives stressed out  because of the  too many incentives, distractions, commitments, demands, competition, rivalry, haste... When all these pile up , the emotional and mental blockade takes place, and with it come vacillation, paralysing doubt, becoming uninterested, losing one's sense and one's direction..

In order to come out of the blockade, the Way has a fundamental  teaching: DO  PRACTISE THE EXERCISE OF  FULL ATTENTION.
28- THE LAW: Each one deserves that which  one dreams of.
It is so that  this mental universe of conscience works .

You are the one who creates your own life.  Your way goes on taking the shape of what  occupies your thought most.

When you stop  feeding your mental construction  with your positive and active  attention, it dissolves, just like  the ephemeral waves that a ship draws on the surface of the sea.

Therefore, take a lot of care about the quality of your thoughts, of your feelings and of your words, because  they all  shape the script of your sensitive reality.

3rd Stage: THE  HEART  PATH

29. Uncontrolled  Imagination:
Slipping in the worst speech.

 A worried and stressed people is a dominated people.

Beware of  those who make gains  and reach power by  fomenting  divisions and conflicts. They try to enrol us like cannon fodder for their  fights, to direct us to where their interests are, sowing  anger and fears, and eventually  to stand up to us. And it's only the common people who pay through the nose.

An exaggerated imagination that is addicted to sensationalism, judgmental, negative, pessimistic, attracts to my life precisely what I fear most. They know it well. 

Therefore, I work at keeping  my mind  clean, relaxed, in peace, constructive and always vigilant, wih my full attention sword cutting the toxic thoughts.

Stage 15-São João da Madeira- Grijó.
Do not try to reach Porto in a day's journey  of 34 kms, getting too exhausted. São  João  is a town  that has been  developed thanks to a constant work, well organized and well done.

Open yourself to the friendly communication with its people: greet, ask, speak little, listen a lot with full attention, and you will find important teachers of life in this dense industrial region, among  people that, at first sight do not seem to be so. You don't even need to know how to speak Portuguese.

30- My Teachers:

My own  experience, as well as  all the people of any type and age that I keep meeting on the way, either complex or simple, are my books and masters of life, if I pay full attention to them.

Life is to be acquainted with, ,and not to be passed by, as if we were  blind and deaf, counting down  empty  kilometers.

  Stage 16- Grijó- Porto. 19 kms.  Enjoy both this stone-paved roadway  and  the entrance through the bridge.

"Horror of being a permanently living conscience!
Horror of  feeling  my  soul continuously  thinking!
Do tear me off, oh wind, from the soil of  existence,
of being a place!".   F.P.

31-  I examine my thoughts:

I pay attention to  my mind. I realise that not even one of  my  thoughts or feelings that are crossing  my  mind  in divagation, belong me. I have not caused  them to start.

I myself am choosing  my thoughts already prepared  - or not -, amongst the waves of the collective speech.
I keep on the alert, I choose with the utmost care.

 The most elevated and true  thought  is not, usually, the most spread and apparent. The manipulators  attract us by offering easy meat  to our lowest feelings.

Timeless Stage. Porto. This is a varied and splendid city. I can stop and look for what there is in it for me. I know that by honouring it, I will be honoured, like in everywhere else. I open myself  to communication and to learn. By getting to know the city ,  unhurried, I  will get to  know myself.

32- Self- remembrance:

" I have a stopped clock 
  by which I always guide  myself.
 The clock has been borrowed
  And it has running  hours" .  F.P.

Any point of the universe can be its centre. In every city, in every  place, there is one of those centres . In every person,  and in me as well.

The centre of every mind is that boundless concept, indefinible and unproven, that we call  the Absolute. My centre is always connected and animated  by the Centre of all centres.

Stage 17- I-C- Leaving Porto. You can choose either Vilarinho or  Lambruge. You have already arrived  in the remote territory of the  Cale or Gale, that the roman first called  Galaécia or Gallaecia, and  later on  Galiza or Galicia. Try to read the history of  Decimus  Junios Brutus , The Gallaecus..
You may also  read the history of  Vímara Peres.

33- Realignment:

I assemble all the best of everything that  there is in me  and  I readjust  myself  to my own direction.

That none of my strengths may fail  to know who I am, what I want now , where I am going in order  to achieve that, and also the possible ways that will eventually make me achieve it.

When it have it clear, I entrust it  to  Life, I give thanks, I  walk again , trusting Life, and I remain attentive to the crisis-opportunity that will turn up.
I can  either take the line of  least  resistance, or face  my challenges and contradictions.

At  this point of the Way, Life offers  the pilgrim either a pleasant fruit, easy to take, or a long and sharpened  sword, that arises from  deep waters.

The option  that you  take, either with your emotional or with  your rational  capacity, will determine and will totally modify  the nature of your new cycle

And no, you can´t help choosing.

It is not bad if you ask the advice of intelligent people whom you trust.  However,  the reflection and the final option  must always be entirely yours, just the same way the responsibility is yours. Once you have chosen, proceed  steady, flexible and adaptable, without looking back.

Take a lot of care with  manipulation. What suits you does not  always have to  be either  what  pleases you most, or the first options that will be offered to you. Our good realization depends on our choices.

Either thoughtless, uninformed, harmful  actions or omissions.
Shadow of the Main Stage THE ALTERNATIVE.

If my wrong decisions , or my fear, my anger, my  fault, or my judging , my harshness, my pride, my discomfort, my ignorance, or my thoughtless  actions , lead me to react wrongly and to cause damage... ..The best is to stop immediately, to ponder, to excuse, to make amends  as far as possible.

Much more difficult is to resolve when I  myself have been harmed because I have neither acted when I should have done so,  nor protected  my rights and my freedom.

36 - The Pilgrim :
I Know that I am the Way of my Heart, my Truth and my Life.
Knowing  this, gives me joy.

The way that  I have walked up to  here has been a mere preparation. Up to  this point, I had  simply been searching for something . Now it is already  clear to me that what  I  want to find, to achieve and to assume.

I am also getting a bit stronger and more independent than what I used to be. The nations  die  when they start  getting emptied of strong and free people , and are substituted by others. The herds of  mediocre and conformist sheep don't last long  upon this world.

I radically cut out  all  dispersion and  attachment to my past; I reconsider  before starting  no matter what, I let me be inspired by my  inner self, and then I  concentrate myself upon  the realization of my new mental perspective.

  37 - The Attempt:
I stand up to my fears and internal conflicts with vigour, in order  to turn them into my personal powers.

The Path of  Life is intended for courageous spirits. All kinds of everything  happen in it,   and the end of it   is always the death of the body, that has been prepared  to be used and discarded. This event  gives origin  to a new cycle.

Because that which  in truth I am, the Actor's conscience, still goes on being so.  Although it changes its  character, it  continues representing another play, ,with other apparent companions.

However, it is clear that we all are always the same actors, playing with what only exists, that is The Whole Being.-The consciencie that we buil up together.

This is the favourable moment  to make  an effort in order to achieve the highest degree of possible integral freedom, and in order to compose  my personal life project. I determine  a new and better way  now, unconcerned, I make up my mind  and I  venture myself . 

 The worst attempt  is the one  that has not even been started.
Warning: In the Inner or Central Way, we arrive at Barcelos in two stages.
Barcelos is 20 kms distant from Braga town, the town of  beautiful gardens, in past times it used to be the capital of the whole Gallaecia.

It is a beautiful option for those who trust  their lucky star-guide and who think that the Way can be something more than just  following  the established yellow arrows, that everybody follows.


The impersonal  universe  behaves as if its strengths were personal, when I assume them and  even  invoke them with faith.

I do not hesitate to ask for help to the strengths of Life.  It is evident that Life is the only that exists in all, and in me as well.

I will keep my courage in the moments of greatest despair. In case of doubt, I will  always choose Life and not  nothingness.  Life is Everything and  It can everything. Nothingness is nothing.

  39- Despair:
"Abyss of the night, of the rain, of the wind,
stern sea  of the chaos that seems to get back
Why don't you pierce into  my thought,
So that it may die? "     F.P.

Neglecting the Power of the Love of Life, that has conceived  me and that sustains  me.

Despair is nothing more than one of the mental illusions that we can choose. However, it's  the most negative, depressing  and useless.

It has been erected upon the memories of the worst that has happened to  us  and upon our worst thoughts and beliefs, erasing the highest that we have  already thought and lived , as well as  our best gifts  and successes.

The real hope is the one that maintains our courage  in the moments of gratest despair. In case of doubt, I choose Life and not nothingness. Life is Everything and it  can everything. Nothingness is nothing.


This word is connected with religion, grupal moral law  and ideology, and it  is the best or worst learning of the politically correct social practice that my society expects from me, AFTER HAVING INDOCTRINATED  and CONDITIONATED ME, according  to the interests, suitabilities and  manipulator programs of its culturally dominant class.

(With S of Spira, of the Saefes of Ophiussa, Sons of Gal, of the Celtic Snakes or Dragons  of Wisdom, Walkers to the End of the World),


  Stage 18 I, Inner or Central Way, Vilarinho-Barcelos.
Open yourself  to  Nature totally .

All this journey, from now on and up to the end, goes through  the magical  Gallaecia, the ancient country of the Gallician Celts , that, after being romanized, had their capital in Braga, just like the  Suebi later on.

The escutcheon  of Galicia is presided by a Grail, symbol of receptivity to connection.

40- The Connection:

I can not prove who I am,  where I come from,  and what  my destination is , but I know that, while being open to Life, it will  always fill me  with itself, with its resolutive calmness, and its gifts, the  same, as  a chalice.

  Stage 18-C- São Tiago de Labruge- Vila do Conde - Póvoa do Varzim.
Starting the Strand Way  at São Paio's castrum. Paio, Pelaio, Pelágio, Pélago, Piélago, an ancestral  name for the sea. The castrum inhabitants, ancestors of the atlantic peoples of the Iberian northwest, used to engrave evolutionary labyrinths on the rocks.

41- The Labyrinth:
Open your eyes wide:  Life will test you  in front of your people.
The tests  are always intented to make you grow.

 I feel that I am connected with my best collective being. .I invoke  the spirits of all my ancestors, of the wise and of the brave ones.

I appeal for their strength, their intuition and their  protection inside of  me, I give thanks for all that I've  received from  them and then I offer, to all my lineage, the enlargement of my conscience,  which I am searching for in this pilgrimage.

No energy is  restricted  to one  wave alone, we all build up  wide  connected  bundles.
I am the strength that impels me to co-create  my own destiny.

This strength belongs neither to my fragile and fearful body , nor to my limited  mind.

I know that this strength  is the very strength of this planet and of my species, and even of the same almighty Cosmos' Life,  manifesting Itself, feeling, expressing Itself and knowing Itself, through one more of Its multiple avatars, enlivened  by Its will, on this plane of Its conscience, that comprises all  planes.

I know that I am that powerful and indestructible strenght, and that I will always be it, no matter in which ephemeral container I am acting now or will be acting  tomorrow, upon the lines of time either of this plane, or of other planes.

43- Fear:
Shadow of the Main Stage  BRAVERY
 The  ego's paralysing ghost  is very deceptive and untenable.

Fear is a necessary emotion, it is excellent for us to take care of the survival of our body, as  important as  prudence, when it's time  to attend to our affairs.

The problem arises when we identify us too much with our body, with the dominant speech in our alienated surroundings, and with the egos' materialistic mentality.

Then, the fear  of  the matter that dreads to be  injured blocks  the ability to make  correct decisions  on our vocation, on ethic, on honour, and on the fundamental aspirations  of our  real self , that in fact  cannot  fear or lose anything real at all..

Any decision taken with fear, haste, anxiety, worry or precipitation is bad.  I appease myself before taking it.

Examine what you truly are , stick to it with all your might,  and live it in  peace.


All the Way until here was preparation of the body and of the character, now is that we begin to prepare in depth the transformation of the mentality:

Only for encontradores by free, that already are learning to leave to look for following the dictated of the ego personal and collective and to leave inspire by his inner guide.

...Because they comprised that the proper mind is the director of orchestra, actor and author of absolutely all the possible stages, to represent all the circumstances of each one.

The mind is mechanical and, such as an operative system, has his protocols. While your will creator was when looking for out, will not be precipitating the find inside.

Notice: Many of the letters that illustrate these complementary texts form part of another work of the same author on the French Way to Santiago, the Letters-Guide for the Pilgrims of the Way of the Stars.  /https://www.facebook.com/Letters-Guia-stop-you-Pilgrims-do-Caminho-give-Estrelas-502611609924232/

The RECYCLING of your previous walk and the finding of your SYNTHESIS-VIBRATION (that it is the most important part of the self-meeting pilgrination) MAY BE DONE IN ANYWHERE, BUT WE RECOMMEND is to do it, no in the agitated and superficial way of the crowds, but in the recogimiento of one (or varied ones) of the beaches of the Coast of Death and Life...


 It will be excellent if, from there, the pilgrim can look the remote ATLÂNTIC ISLANDS, as you can look them, for example, from the Cape of Home or from Facho de Donón, ancestral place of offerings. You has to do the recycling in the hours in which beaches become calmer and solitary.

The persons who went back of an almost-death experience tell thath, in an instant, they saw their whole life film.

More Specifically: the person visualizes his moments of more intense learning, so much in the pleasure as in the pain... those moments that impulsed for a new conscienciousness upper stair ... 

Many people have felt relembrances and intuitions from other lives and experiences of the past, that remained in the hard disk of their gens mind.
The Engel-Eagle by night. Sculpture of Manuel Castelin built in the Recall to Awaken, Sao Thomé das Letras, Brazil 2014, in iron-ciment, high 2 ms.

The Cape of Hermes, the most occidental cape of the Coast of the Death. Imagined Labyrinth of Pion  Mountain.  to the bottom of the Beach of Mar de Fóra, scenary of the novel of Manuel Castelin " THE ORFEUS TRAVEL TO THE END OF THE WORLD". This is the place where Orfeus realizes the Initiation to the Labyrinth, his preparation for descending and returning to the World of the Dead. Is is necessary, in order to get it,  to finish entirely the compression and armonization of the circumstances of the Present Vivential Cycle..

...The anterior text, up, means that the only thing that we carry with us to next plane, the only thing that has a value, is our personal harvest of intense evolution moments. Our moments of LIFE with mayúscula.

 The rest of our life with tiny letters (in which so much time and effort we invest), dilutes like smoke immediately after happening... it neither remains registered. They are nothing more are that obsolete memories.

It seems logical that have to analyse with consciencia the important memories of the ancient cycle to extract a learning, before initiating a new cycle.

IF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE RECYCLING of your walk previous and the finding of your VIBRATION-SYNTHESIS echoed with you, can go reading the page FIN OF THE WORLD, CLICANDO HERE,
while you continue walking the stages that carry you to Galicia.

Stage 19-I-Barcelos-Put you of Lima. Read on the independence of the County of Portocale.

44- Work with Love: Like this as the frutal gives fruits, like this also I want to realize me. My family and my work give his main sense to the main part of the time of my life. A work and a family without love neither creativity equivalen to a life without sense. Give sense to your proper life is subject exclusively yours, of your imagination and of your freedom A lot of fruit want to I give. Renuncio To lose my lovely time of life with works and people that do not serve to realize me.

Stage 19 C- Póvoa of Varzim- Aguçadoura-Apúlia -Fao-Esposende- Marinhas. We are the villages that enfrentan the powerful Piélago, until converting it in our vehicle of universal projection.

45- Cooperation: All the gifts of the Life go through our interval, when me beside the generous for regar of blessings the planet.

There is not at all more beautiful that a group of human beings working together, without having like aim neither lucre neither vanity, neither political promotion, joined by the pure need to contribute for the good or for the common beauty.

Honour to your ancestors and know worthy of them, donando your grain of sand of noble active effort, to help to improve your community, your country, your village, your family, your planet and your proper descendencia.

All have a lot of identities with which are interligados at the same time. No renuncies to none of them.

4ª STAGE: THE SCHOOL OF THE MOTHER. Developing the sensitivity of the Feminine Internal.

Stage 20 I- Put you of Lima- Rise to Sierra of the Labruja- Rubiãis.

46- The Simplicity: Vaciado of weight, here go, climbing, discreet and slight like a globe.

In this world of adventure, always can have some danger emboscado, acechando. In front of a delicate moment, at all like maintaining a low profile, without reacting or exteriorizar any trial.

Remaining me callado, go to research with seriousness, take out my conclusions and hope without any haste the most timely moment for exteriorizarlas.

Meanwhile, enjoy of the exercise to do as if I neither existed in this world.

48- ENTHUSIASM: What there is of more elevated in me desbordándose in my inner. In-theou-asthma. Enthusiasm, the flame of Zeus inside. Enthusiasm meant, for the ancient Greek, teachers of Occident, the state of exaltation of the spirit of the one who receives the ray of the intuition of the I Mayor, the insight, the inspiration of the poets and of the prophets.

It was not but this what looked for the ancient pilgrims of the autoencuentro, in his trip of men and women of knowledge until finally of the World. ULTREIA, PEREGRINO!

49- The Apathy:

?It dissolves in sand this my bitterness, my tedio deep?. F.P.

Blockade in front of the timely and necessary change. Shadow of the Main Season The ENTHUSIASM.

Apagamiento. Stagnation. Such time cowardice. Nothing is more powerful that the impulse of the Life to transform continuously, to renew and grow through destructions and of reconstructions of the forms in that you wrap .

Little time go to last the knots and the estorbos. Prowess. It takes your decision. Arranca? Not to be pushed by the Life.

Stage 21 I - Rubiãis -Valença do Minho. The Portuguese Galicia.

Enjoy deeply, in tuning with the Nature. Care not to fall in the unhappy WAY OF THE HARE.

A pilgrim went out of Lisbon. The first day achieved to do thirty kilometers; the second day, thirty-five kilometers; the third day, left to see all the faces that had known before, in the Way. Each day surpassed his record.

Arriving to the albergue, did not speak with anybody, except about marks, and only wanted to sleep. It was always the first in going out to defeat to his competitors and to find free the best mulch of the albergue of end of stage.

Almost arriving to Spain, saw a big poster written with red ink, on a muro of Valença: "¿To WHERE GO, MINE HARE, RUNNING SO MUCH? ?IF The ONLY PLACE To THE THAT HAVE TO ARRIVE IS To THE DEEPEST OF TÍ SAME?"

50 -Tuning: Feeding with affection the best Strengths of the Life, also seat me by Them fed with affection and with goodness.

  ...TAIS COMO AS DOS EXTREMOS DOS CABOS DAS RÍAS GALEGAS, ENTRE A DE VIGO E A DE FINISTERRE. Será excelente se, desde lá, o peregrino pudesse avistar as remotas ILHAS ATLÂNTICAS, tal como avistam-se, por exemplo, desde o Cabo do Home o desde o sacratissimo Facho de Donón, lugar ancestral de oferendas. Deve fazer-se a reciclagem nas horas em que as praias se encontrem-se mais tranquilas e solitárias.

As pessoas que voltaram de uma experiência de quase-morte contam como, num instante, se vê o filme da vida inteira da pessoa que está a morrer.

Mais concretamente: a pessoa visualiza os seus momentos de mais intensa aprendizagem, tanto no prazer como na dor - aqueles momentos que a impulsionaram  para um novo degrau superior de consciência...  
Muitas pessoas asseguram que sentiram  ressonância com outras vidas e experiências  pelas que já passaram, que ficaram  no seu disco duro, no seu mais sólido feixe de vibrações espirais redemoinhando. 

 ...O daí acima vem dizer que a única coisa que levamos para o outro lado, a única coisa que tem valor, é a colheita pessoal que fazemos desses momentos verdadeiramente evolutivos. VIDA com maiúscula. O resto da nossa vida com minúscula (na qual tanto tempo e esforço investimos), dilui-se como fumaça logo depois de acontecer – ...nem fica registrada. Nada mais são do que memórias obsoletas. 

 Parece lógico que devamos analisar com consciência as memórias importantes do antigo ciclo para extrair uma aprendizagem, antes de iniciarmos um novo ciclo.

SE A POSSIBILIDADE DA RECICLAGEM do seu caminhar prévio e o descobrimento da sua VIBRAÇAO-SÍNTESE ressoaram com você, pode ler la página FIN DO MUNDO, CLICANDO AQUI, 
entanto que continúa caminhando as etapas que lhe levam à Galiza.
Stage 19-I-Barcelos-Ponte de Lima.
Read about  the independence of the County of Portucale.

44- I work with Love:

As well as  the fruit-tree bears fruit, I also want to realize myself. .

My family and my work supply the prime meaning to  most  time of my life. Both an occupation and a family without  love or creativity are equal  to a meaningless  life.

Giving sense to your own life is a matter of yours and of no one else's, it is a creation of your imagination and of your freedom

I want to bear plenty of fruit. Gladly, I give up wasting the precious time of my life performing self-denying  tasks and with people that are of no use to my fulfillmemt.

Stage 19 C- Póvoa de Varzim- Aguçadoura-Apúlia -Fao-Esposende- Marinhas. We are the peoples that used to face up to the  Ocean, until converting it, later on, into our medium  for a universal projection.

45- Cooperation:

All of the Life gifts are channelled  through us, when I join  those who are generous so as to inundate the planet with blessings.

There is nothing more beautiful than the work of a group of human beings working together, having as a purpose neither profit  nor  vanity, nor political promotion, joined by the pure necessity to contribute to the common good or  beauty.

Honour  your ancestors and be worthy of them  by  bestowing  your grain of sand of active noble effort, to help to improve your community, your country, your people, your family, your planet and your  own descendants.

We are the All. We all have a lot of identities with which are  simultaneously interlinked . There is no need to renounce any of them if they don't prevent us from the connection with our Essential Being.

4th STAGE: THE MOTHER'S SCHOOL. Developing one's internal Feminine sensitivity. 
Stage 20 I- Ponte de Lima- Ascent  to Serra da Labruja- Rubiães.

46- Simplicity:
Emptied of airs, here I go ascending, discreet and as light as a balloon.

In this world of adventure, there can always be some kind of ambushed danger on the lurk.

In presence of a susceptible moment, there's nothing like keeping a low profile, without reacting or manifesting any judgment.

While remaining silent, I devote myself to research earnestly,  I draw  my conclusions and, unhurried, I wait for the most appropriate moment to express them.

Meanwhile, I enjoy the practice of pretending I don't even exist in this world.
Stage 20 C -Marinhas-Viana do Castelo. This is a journey through  the pleasing landscapes of the Inland. The Funicular takes you up to the Hill of Santa Luzia. In August, you should not miss  the Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Agony.

47- Fraternity:
The acts of loving myself and of  taking care of myself  include keeping  the most harmonious possible relationship with all the other manifestations of the one Life that I am too.


RESPECT IS TO CONSIDER THAT EXACTLY THE SAME THINK HAPPENS WITH ALL MY BROTHERS OF CREATION AND WITH EACH ONE OF THEM. Harmony is to maintain a peace , concorde, aceptation and  flexible adaptation between these unavoidable differences.


Nowadays we  know that it consists of  a lowest quantity of genetic material what gives to me the appearance  of an unmatched  individual. The racist discriminations have been proved to be  ridiculous. Neither is there a major genetic differentiation between the human beings and the other living creatures.

 ULTREIA, PILGRIM: you are almost arriving at Galicia, either by the Central Way, or by the Coast Way. 
At present everything smells of  Galicia. It  smells of green and of sea. There are sounds of bagpipes  in the wind.
Eultreia! Euseia! Let's go ahead! It is the I the one who guides us!

My most elevated essence starts stretching all over my inner self.

En-theou-asthma. Enthusiasm,  Zeus' flame here inside of me..
For the ancient Greeks, the teachers of Western culture, enthusiasm  meant  the state of exaltation of the spirit of that one who receives the  intuition ray  of the Highest Self, the insight, the inspiration both of poets and of prophets.

It was just and only this that the ancient pilgrims  of self-discovery kept searching for, in their journey of men and women of knowledge, up to the End of the World. ULTREIA, PILGRIM!

49- Apathy:
"Disperse into sand this bitterness, this profound weariness of mine"  F.P.

Blockage in presence of the timely and necessary Change.

Shadow of the Main Stage:  ENTHUSIASM.

Switching off.  Stagnation. Cowardice perhaps.

Nothing is more powerful that the impulse of  Life to transform Itself continuously, to renew and grow through destructions and reconstructions of the forms and concepts in which It enfolds .

Only for a  little while will the refusals and the obstacles last.
Be brave. Take your decision. Put yourself in motion so as  not to be pushed by  Life.

Stage 21 I - Rubiães -Valença do Minho. The Portuguese Galicia.

Enjoying oneself  deeply  tuned in to Nature is a must.

Take care not to be caught by the disastrous HARE  WAY.

A pilgrim set out from Lisbon. On the first day he achieved to walk  thirty kilometers; on the second day, thirty-five kilometers; on  the third day, he stopped  seing  all the faces that had known before on the Way.

Each day he exceeded his record. When he arrived at the shelter he  did not speak with anybody, except about tokens, and he only wanted to sleep. He was always the first to leave in order  to defeat  his competitors and to find free the best shelter bed at the end of that stage.

When he was almost arriving in Spain, upon  a wall in Valença he saw a big poster on which it had been written in red ink :  "WHERE ARE YOU GOING, MY HARE, RUNNING SO FAST?  THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU  HAVE TO ARRIVE  IS TO YOUR DEEPEST  SELF..."

50 - Syntony: If I put attention to feed, with best waves of my mind and feeling, the Life Forces which surround me, I  feel also nourished with all its  blessings.

I know thath emitting, I am receiving already. I emit excellence,
learning to receive and to thank.

Stage 21 C, Viana do Castelo-Caminha.
51-  Harmony:
I dance gently to the beat of  Life's Melodies.

enjoy the beautiful relationships and sceneries that  Life creates so that one may live in It: ourselves, the family, the tribe, the community, the nation, and all the other variants.

We can create all kinds of intermediate gradations, between man and woman, the family and its types.

However, he who trusts the community protection and care  when he is going  through  his moments of weakness, need or old age (more than he trusts  the grateful  reward for the protection and the care of his generosity, out of the love for his closest loved beings) he is  naïve and he  should  study a bit of the nations history.  

" I  want only to make my life great, even if in order to achieve it, my own body (and my soul) are to be the wood to feed that fire."    F.P.

I've learnt that, by facing  my contradictions, I quickly push my mentality to an upper degree of evolution.

My life and its meaning are a construction of mine, to the artist's taste. There are all kinds of artists, of works and of meanings.

The best constructions always have some conflict to face and to overcome. In them, in the contact with  strong energies, the  more intense the differences, the better stories and meanings they provide.

Excite that fire  without fear, with your eyes wide open ; calmly. Do live the Art of Life.

  53- Sensuality:
Pleasure rooted to earth.
Shadow of the Main Stage The INNER FIRE.

I try to elevate the integral quality of my most basic energy.

Our most powerful energy is called love, it has its roots in the mud and also in the blood, but it blooms in the light.

The  knight of the light does not kill the dragon. The dragon is his main strength, although it is raw. He does not kill it, but he submits it to his highest will. It is so that he converts the dragon into his winged horse  that takes him out of the mud and elevates him up to the sky.

Life is able to perform the best art by using any type of energies by turns.

(Each day, for the next two months, I will be adding here down two stages of the Labyrinth, or texts, images or photos related with them).

This frontier fortress was once built for defending  the sovereignty and the independence of this people. Today it's a bridge, an open  gateway  and a place of reception for travellers and pilgrims from all  nations. It is excellent when one can achieve beeing both open and sovereign, at the same time

54- Creativity: 
"... It is necessary to create." Fernando Pessoa

My virtues, freedom, gifts and pleasures, as much as  my flaws, opressions, hardships and pains, are the creative elements of my story.

I do not abstain from using any of the colours, either the white  or the black ones, to paint the work of my life and its personal purpose. I accept them, such as they are, the circumstances that gave form to this human condition, to the character of my lineage, to my people's  and  to my own character.

I give up  judging  the past with "presentism", that is, to judge the past  with my present mentality. Any prejudice is unfair and unworthy, in presence of the complexity and the creative necessity  that has turned us exactly into what  we are today, And I thank for and honour this.


 Stage 22 - C - Caminha - Crossing the River Minho-Santa Tecla's or Santa Tegra's Hill - A Guarda.

The galician nobles of the brave southern border of the river Minho decided  to make strong the county that they would turn one day into an independent one, and furthermore, they dared to proclaim it  the Kingdom of Portugal, and to preserve  it.

The galician nobility of the northern border of the river Minho chose the union both with  Leon and with Castilla , and they ended up creating  Spain, together with Aragon... In the same way that they could have created it together with Portugal.

This could have happened  because Galicia and Portugal have always had  the same kind of landscape and the same culture, even since prehistoric days, and  the same people as well. Enjoy the ascending to the top of  Saint Tecla 's mountain  and to the ancient Galaicos'  village. They used to establish  no differences among them  except for the tribal ones.

The southern and the northern sons of Gal  decided, intuitive and bravely, to follow their own and  different destinations around the wide world, that proved to be so much attractive as unknown.

55- Intuitive perception:

Emptied of anxieties, wishes and fantasies of the divided and divisive ego, I become a channel of resonance of the archetypes that govern  the evolution of everything from the matrix of my being, in orfer to make up my mind to create my own destiny, in the best possible way.

GAL could mean Life, according to some people's insight , or the Earth, such as Gaia, Mother Earth, which may  also be Mother Ocean and Mother Galaxy, the Ocean of Stars where Life  was once originated.

In Galicia, the Official Spanish is spoken (Universal Hispanic procedent from the language of Castilla) and Galician is also spoken, that is a rescue of the Middle-Ages Galician-Portuguese, in which the scholars have  tried to preserve the varied localisms used by people in each province, combining  them to make a  hybrid of Portuguese and Spanish  languages. 

Practically, it can be considered  the true Academic "Portunhol", a beginning, normalized by decree, of the  bridge-language  between the two universal idioms from Iberic origin. It  has an open sonority, higher  than the Brazilian one,it has  both singing starts and endings, in waves that come and go. 


It is recomended do not pass to them, before reading THE END OF THE WORLD PAGE CLICK HERE.  

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